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The Lawn

All suppliers, Rochford, Essex

Visit the The Lawn website

Established in 1993, The Lawn, Rochford, is one of the most sought-after and consistently highly rated wedding venues in Essex, and with good reason.

Voted as one of the ten most romantic venues in the country, the magnificent Manor House, stylish Orangery and beautiful grounds provide a stunning backdrop against which to celebrate your special day. Whether you opt for an outdoor ceremony in our delightful wedding gazebo with its double-tiered cedar roof, the splendour of an entrance down our sweeping staircase for a ceremony in the galleried Grand Hall or simply wish to enjoy your wedding reception at The Lawn, you and your guests will not fail to be impressed. (All suppliers in Rochford)

The Old House
All suppliers, Rochford, Essex
The Old House is a romantic medieval venue located in the heart of historic Rochford. One of the oldest buildings in England, it is the perfect location for intimate weddings... (All suppliers in Rochford)
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