See how other couples celebrated their big day with wedding stories and ideas from County Wedding Magazines' Real Weddings features.
Laura and Joe met at a nightclub while at University in Southampton. At the time Laura's best friend was dating Joe's best friend. She set the two up, and the rest, as they say, is history!
Elsie and Lily met at a mutual friend's birthday party. "At the time, Lily was uncertain of her sexuality," Elsie explains, "But I knew the minute I saw her that I was going to fall in love with this girl! I chased her around the party, both young and nervous. She got her dad to pick her up immediately!" After frightening Lily off, the two spent several years being friends with Lily trying everything to avoid falling in love with Elsie. However, one lockdown later Lily fi nally bit the bullet and kissed Elsie one evening. From there, their relationship blossomed. "We're defi nitely the defi nition of opposites attract," Elsie continues. "Lily is quiet and I'm wild and loud, but our two personalities just melt together perfectly. Where one falls, the other lifts us up. Although, we'll never agree on who's funnier!"
Emily and Chris met during their university years in Plymouth. They were introduced by a mutual friend, and that's where their story began. "Aside from her obvious good looks, within only a few minutes of speaking, I knew there was something more between us," Chris shares. The two enjoyed an evening of chatting over drinks and haven't stopped enjoying each other's company since. "Emily is known for finding the best deals out there, but I think I won when it came to finding her that day," Chris continues. "At full price and worth every penny, she is my world! We've shared more than a decade of memories and milestones including graduations, landing our first professional jobs, buying our first home together, and travelling the world side by side. None of which would have been possible without our attentiveness to one another and the love we share."
Laura and Adrian enjoyed a great fi rst date which sparked the beginning of their romance. "Adrian was standing waiting outside the bar that we arranged to meet in for 20 minutes while I was sitting inside the bar, also waiting!" Laura tells us. "Both of us assumed that we had been stood up! We both turned around, caught each other's eye through the window and that was it."
Vanessa and Dom met on Tinder in 2017. "Dom had a great photograph of him on a boat somewhere tropical and also playing golf which was an instant attraction for me," Vanessa tells us. Dom adds, "Vanessa had a selection of photos which showcased her lovely eyes and brown hair." The couple enjoyed their first date at an Italian restaurant and soon became inseparable. "We moved in together during the autumn of 2018, survived the lockdown in a one-bedroom flat and purchased a house together during the summer of 2021," they tell us.
Claire and Adam met through friends during a trip to St. Ives in Cornwall. "Adam proposed to me at home," Claire says. "He had placed rose petals and candles around our house ready for when I came home from work one Friday evening. My Universe by Coldplay was playing in the background and it was all so romantic."
Lauren and Rob met through work in 2015. "I thought he was really charming and we got on really well," says Lauren. "Our relationship grew and in 2023, Rob proposed while we were in Cardiff. We went back to the fi rst hotel that we stayed in together and I had no idea that he was going to pop the question. It caught me by complete surprise."
Megan and Simon met in their third year of university. "I was running a social for some of the students and a mutual friend introduced us," says Megan. "Simon immediately caught my eye, and the three of us ended up getting dinner before the social started. We started out as just friends, but there was a clear connection there from the beginning; we had the same sense of humour, enjoyed the same movies, were both close with our families and loved dogs. A few months later, we had our fi rst offi cial date on Valentine's Day and the rest is history."
Sinead and Harry met online in 2016 and quickly discovered a mutual love/hate relationship with Bradford City, as well as a passion for music. Responding to the many hints Sinead had been dropping, Harry casually proposed in 2023, which suited the couple perfectly.
Spain is a place very close to Verity's heart having spent every summer there as a child. So, when Jonny decided to propose, this was where he took her. Hiring a boat, they went out to sea to watch the dolphins. Mesmerised as they swam past, Verity didn't initially notice until she turned around that Jonny was down on one knee holding out her engagement ring. "It was the best surprise ever and a very magical moment," she remembers.
Jordan and Mark met via friends while studying at university and would often see each other at parties. In fact, it was one birthday party in particular where they really hit it off, but it was just when Jordan was about to move to London for work. However, they didn't give up and met up in London for a few dates, as well as embarking on a long distance relationship with Mark remaining in Leeds. Happily, everything worked beautifully for the couple and seven months later, Jordan moved back up to Yorkshire.
Harriet and David met through mutual friends. "We lived in neighbouring villages and when a friend shared our numbers, we started texting," says Harriet. "I had absolutely no interest in David to begin with, then he convinced me to go on a date with him, to which I reluctantly agreed. He made me laugh like no one has before and that was it! We've been inseparable ever since! We definitely believed we were each other's other half and it's still the same nine years later!"
Nicole and Arron met via an online dating website during the lockdown and realised they shared mutual friends. "We quickly became friends and then fell in love," they tell us. "We share a quirky sense of humour, a thirst for adventure and we are both spontaneous with very similar personalities."
Amy and Alex met at work. "I think looks were the initial attraction, and I loved how good Alex was with his son," says Amy. "Alex proposed while we were skiing in Les Gets, France, in April 2022. We were at a friend's charity event, and by pure coincidence, I actually won the raffl e and had to go on the stage. As I looked around, Alex was coming towards me and getting down on one knee. This was really out of character, as Alex is really shy and doesn't like attention. He had gotten the DJ to play my favourite song. It was so lovely to be there with most of his family watching. I then rang all my family and friends back in the UK in hysterical tears, showing off my beautiful ring!"
Hayley and Ed met while they were both working at an insurance company 10 years ago. "We reconnected several years later and have been inseparable since," says Ed. "We share the same values, a laid-back approach to life and a love of animals." "I proposed to Hayley at Macquaries Point in Sydney, Australia, which has a beautiful view overlooking Sydney Harbour and the Opera House," shares the groom. "Hayley lived in Australia for a few years and I knew it would be special to do it in a place that she holds dear. I asked her to pose for a photo against the backdrop and then dropped to one knee. Based on her shocked reaction and happy tears, I would say it was a big surprise." The couple sh
Samantha and Joseph fi rst met while out with friends when they were 14 years old. "We didn't say hello to each other, but that evening Joseph added me on Facebook and we spoke for four days before Joseph asked me out," says Samantha. "I found Joseph to be very handsome and talking to him felt so easy and he always made me laugh."
Sam, who hailed from Canada, had come to London expecting a two-year adventure before returning home. As her trip neared its end, she packed her bags and was ready to return when her job surprised her with an exciting offer and sponsorship. This was fantastic news, but she also needed to fi nd a new place to live quickly since she had already given up her fl at. She turned to the London fl atshare app, Spareroom, searching for a spot in East London—unbeknownst to her, just down the street from her future wedding venue. There, she discovered the ideal room listed by a charming stranger named Jack, who was planning to move back home to save some money. Sam was instantly drawn to the room, and Jack graciously showed her around. After putting down her deposit, Jack invited her over that weekend to meet the other fl atmates.
These lovebirds met through friends at Hakkasan in London over a green destiny cocktail, and the rest is history! Fast-forward to 2015, and Sasha was completely surprised when Jonathan proposed in Venice on a water taxi.
Christina and Aaron met at a mutual friend's fancy dress birthday party. "We were coincidentally wearing pretty much the same outfi t!" Christina tells us.
Chris worked as a Project Manager on commercial construction projects in central London. At the same time, Becky was and continues to be an interior designer specialising in workplace environments when they first crossed paths. Their initial meeting occurred during an interview that Becky held, and she was truly impressed by their work. That connection blossomed into a lasting relationship - the rest is history!
Amina and Corey met during freshers week in September 2013 at the University of Nottingham. "We both attended a party with an army theme, and there was an immediate mutual attraction and connection between us – despite the camoufl age!" Amina tells us.
Alexandra's mum played matchmaker to get Kris and Anlexandra together. The pair soon hit it off and before they knew it they knew they were inseparable. Kris proposed and the rest is history.
Mark proposed on his birthday at 'One Tree Hill' in Stanford-le-hope – the place the couple had shared one of their fi rst dates. Following this, Emily had organised a surprise birthday party for Mark but little did she know that Mark knew about the surprise and added a surprise of his own! What Emily thought was just going to be a birthday party turned into an engagement party when they returned from the proposal. All the family were there for the double celebration!
George and Daniel met each other right before lockdown, as George explains, "It wasn't the best time to fall in love but we managed to get through it together by speaking every day, from WhatsApp messages to FaceTime. It meant that we really got to know each other and on a really deep level that - without Covid - may not have happened." George and Daniel bonded over a love of BBC Radio 2, Disney and playing lots of Animal Crossing together on the Switch! The pair finally got to see each other more 'in real life' towards the end of the summer 2020, and f inally managed to put the world to rights by moving in with each other in 2021!
Having met when they were just 11 years old, Chloe and Brandon were high school sweethearts, navigating the craziness of their school years side-by-side. After a school trip to Paris they became besotted with each other, realising they were more than just friends and got together at the age of 15. "Laughter was defi nitely our bond, sharing a sense of humour throughout the years and building from our foundation of friendship," Chloe shares.
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