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Real weddings and wedding ideas

See how other couples celebrated their big day with wedding stories and ideas from County Wedding Magazines' Real Weddings features.

Rustic Romance

David came back from university and met Sophie, who was working behind the bar in a local pub. A few weeks later, the pair bumped into each other and exchanged numbers – the rest is history! Fast forward time, David popped the question and the couple tied the knot on August 6th 2022. They planned the perfect day full of fun

Love Is In The Air

Eleanor and Reece met on a night out just before the lockdown in 2020 and created a strong bond that grew over the next few years. Reece was attracted to Eleanor's independence and thought she was the most gorgeous girl. It was love at first sight for them both – how romantic!

Go For Gold

These lovebirds worked at the same company but didn't start chatting until Howard moved into the same block of flats as Steph. After a few dates, the pair knew they had found their soul mate and the rest is history! Steph comments, "We managed to spend evenings chatting away, and there was never a lull in conversation. From the beginning, we just got on really well!"

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Jade and Matt met at Oxford Brookes University in 2013. "I worked with Matt's friend who introduced us and our relationship blossomed from there," Jade tells us. "Matt proposed to me during a trip to the Cotswolds where we stayed in a place called Piglet Cottage. With the help of our sausage dog, Malcolm, who was dressed in a bow tie printed with the words 'she said yes', Matt got down on one knee in front of the fire and asked me to marry him. It was a wonderful, romantic surprise! For the past five years, I had always packed my best clothes and make-up whenever we went away, should a proposal happen, but it never did. The one time I packed my comfortable unflattering clothes, it happened!"


Emilene and Mark met at a local football presentation evening, and soon found themselves chatting away. At the time they were both in relationships with their own families, and at the end of the night went their separate ways not knowing what the future would hold. Five years later, and now free agents, their paths crossed again. Mark messaged Emilene asking to meet up. He says, "From then on, I was hooked. There's not one day we don't laugh or be silly together. She's my best friend and a wonderful mother to our four beautiful children." Emilene tells us, "It was an easy, 'Yes,' to meet up. In fact, the more we met up the more I knew for sure he was the one. He makes me laugh every day and it doesn't matter what life throws at us as he's my Brightside."

You're Timeless to me

Emily met Joe at a gin bar while she was in her final year of college. There was an instant attraction from both sides. Joe credits the cobbled streets of Bath, at least in part, for the success of their first date. When walking Emily to the bus stop she was wobbling around on them in her high heels and he was able to offer his arm to assist her – "And that was really where our love story began," Emily says.

Here comes the sun

Ben winked at me while ice-skating on our first date, and in that exact moment I knew I'd found something special in this person," says Hannah. It was remembering this special moment that made Ben book ice-skating for them again at the same rink while on a weekend away together in Bath a few years later.

The Beauty of Nature

Carla and Matt met online. "I liked how down to earth, kind, and understanding Matt was and how easily the conversation flowed," says Carla. "Matt said that he fell for how kind and sweet I am."

Where the Wind Blows

Kylie and Joe met 14 years ago thanks to a mutual friend. "Our bond was ignited by our shared sense of humour, which quickly brought us closer together," says Kylie. "Our connection grew, leading us to embark on numerous dates and lots of fun activities, which included a lot of sight-seeing."

Hip, hip, hooray!

Charlotte and Jerry met through mutual friends on a night out. "Jerry was so easy to talk to and we found out pretty quickly that we have the same dry sense of humour!" Charlotte tells us. "We've been inseparable ever since."

Our Happily Ever After

Chloe and Ryan met through a mutual friend. "I used to be a barber and cut Ryan's hair," says Chloe. "We bonded through our love of Harry Potter, and the rest is history."

A Riverside Wedding

Hannah and James met at the Corn Exchange Wallingford theatre, during an audition for an Agatha Christie murder mystery in July 2018. "I thought that James was tall, dark and handsome but too young for me because he is five years younger," Hannah says. "In the end, I decided to pursue things although James was more forthcoming than I was and we shared some kisses off stage in the wings!"

Love At First Swipe

Catherine and Steve met on a dating website in 2011 and had their first date at a pub in Brynmill, Swansea. "We were both single parents, so we had that in common," says Catherine. "We hit it off right away, and I loved his eyes and that he liked my laugh."Years later, the happy couple went to look at wedding rings together. "I liked one, but it was very expensive, so we decided to leave it and go home," shares the bride. "That weekend was our anniversary, and we celebrated by going back to the pub where we first met. Steve proposed to me that night with the ring that I had fallen in love with."

You are my sunshine

Rachel and Ghandi met at a friend's party. "At the party, Ghandi asked how my son was doing (from a previous marriage), and the rest is history," says Rachel. "There's a 17-year age gap between us, which on paper shouldn't work, but as Ghandi says, he's Peter Pan and has never grown up, so that helps!

Enchanted Romance

Sam and Beth met in 2013 while they were both working part-time at Homebase. "I worked on the customer service desk, and Beth was on the shop floor," says Sam. "I was newly 'out' in the LBGT world and noticed Beth during one of our shifts. Beth was quiet and no one knew her name, so I plucked up the courage to go over and invite her on a night out with the girls.

Live, Laugh, Love

Nicola and Ian met at school back in the 80s. "We then went to the same college, where Ian asked me out on the steps in front of his friends – and I said, 'No!'" says Nicola. "Years passed, then one day Ian popped up on Facebook as a friend suggestion. Messaging each other, he explained he was getting divorced, so being a lawyer I offered my help and suggested a coffee date. That first coffee was lovely; a great catch up while talking about the legal stuff. The next time we met was to get his divorce and conveyancing moving. Ian then asked me out for a third time for no reason, saying we should go for a walk the next morning. We talked for hours, then as we said goodbye he kissed me. Boom – that's when I knew this was something special."

Regal Romance

When Adam and Jake met online they were both immediately drawn to each other's values, love of family and strong work ethic. So, naturally their relationship flourished and one day down the line Jake decided it was time to propose. He took Adam to their favourite spot, the West Cliff Pier at Whitby on New Year's Eve, which was also Adam's birthday. When Jake popped the question, it was a complete surprise for Adam, and although he never wanted a public engagement, the whole of the North East was seemingly on the pier that day, which Jake assures us was completely unintentional!

Grand Designs

Ruth met Scott through a mutual friend. "Lockdown hit, so we started FaceTiming as well as messaging," says Ruth. "Scott works offshore, so when he returned – and after restrictions were lifted – we went to the beach for our first date. We then met nearly every night to go for a walk and grab some food. We moved in together quickly, and there was no looking back!"

Last Christmas

Emma met Tom at a friend's Christmas party in Newcastle. "I was a student in my second year of uni, whereas Tom's from the city," says Emma. "There was an instant attraction and we spent the whole party getting to know each other ending the evening dancing in the living room to Wham's Last Christmasoblivious to everyone watching!


Kay and Kenny met at a soul night. "On our first date, Kenny wanted an informal vibe, so we wined and dined me at our local Wetherspoons' curry night!" says Kay. "I knew then he was a keeper! He also makes me laugh and is an amazing cook, which was definitely the way to my heart."

Look at the stars

Hannah and Robs met on a dating app. "However, after six months we went our separate ways as it just wasn't the right time," says Hannah. "Two years, a pandemic and two break-ups later, I messaged Robs again – and that was it; I wasn't letting her get away! I'll never forget tipsily screaming, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' at Durham Pride in the rain, and she moved in five months later."

Lessons in love

Clare and Mitchell met at school but not as pupils, as teachers. They didn't hit it off right away and didn't much care for each other at first. But during one summer break, they realised that they actually did enjoy each other's company and fell in love – they say absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Our Best Shot

Hannah and Steve met in a bar in Kavos, Greece back in 2018. Hannah had gone away with her best friend and Steve was on holiday with two of his mates. They got chatting over shots and soon discovered not only that they lived just 10 minutes away from each other, but also that they shared a mutual friend. The two spent the rest of the holiday getting to know each other, then having arrived back in the UK they met up the same evening to go for a meal. They couldn't stop talking, it was the start of something wonderful.

Blooming Beautiful

These lovebirds have been together since they finished secondary school almost 20 years ago. After many wonderful years together, the pair finally got engaged! Laura says, "Mike always said it was a case of when he would pop the question and not if, while keeping in mind that I wanted the proposal to be very us and involve the children. So on Christmas day, my daughter asked me to open a toy while my son filmed the moment I discovered the ring!"

City Vibes

These lovebirds met one another while working at Jack Wills while both at university – the rest is history! Emily says, "We decided to get married while travelling in Iceland and staying at the Blue Lagoon Hotel in October 2021. We realised our 10th anniversary would be in October 2022 and decided it would be fun to get married then. It's slightly unconventional but exactly who we are."