Your Yorkshire Wedding - May/June 2024 (Issue 66)

Given their love for Yorkshire’s breathtaking views, Holmfirth Vineyard truly delivered for Kate and Emma Images courtesy of Kirsty Mattsson Photography Kate was wellbeing lead and Emma was head of year at the same school. During Kate’s first staff briefing Emma read out a notice and as soon as she heard her voice the world stopped turning for her. “I fell in love instantly,” Kate remembers. For various reasons, they couldn’t be together, but instead became best friends. “I kept my feelings hidden for a couple of years,” Kate remembers. “I eventually declared my love to her though, and happily she felt the same.” Emma proposed to Kate in Kensington Gardens on New Year’s Eve. “I knew it was coming at some point because we’d had engagement rings made out of my great grandma’s engagement ring, which we designed together,” Kate explains. It was a rainy day, so the gardens were deserted. Emma had both rings with her, so once she’d got down on one knee and asked Kate to be her wife, Kate then dropped to one knee to ask the same. Although the couple live in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, Kate is a Yorkshire lass born and bred and still has family there. Emma fell in love with the area as soon as she visited with Kate, so they both knew where the wedding would take place. “I love the spectacular, rugged views, so I knew Holmfirth Vineyard would be perfect,” Kate shares. Join us as Kate tells us the story of their romantic W-day, 31st December 2023… WITH LOVE From Yorkshire 39 REAL WEDDINGS