Your Yorkshire Wedding - Page number 25 - September/October 2021 (Issue 50)

Turn your wedding dreams into reality at the Briar Court Hotel With over 30 years’ experience in weddings and events, you can be secure in the knowledge that your Wedding Day will be perfect. 01484 519902 H alifax Road, Birchencliffe,Huddersfield, HD3 3NT Wedding Open Day Sunday 19th September, 11am - 5pm Packages start from £3,500 for 60 day guests and 100 evening. 07586318481 | @scarlett_kolavinskly_celebrant W W W . M E M O R A B L E C E R E M O N I E S . C O . U K As a wedding celebrant I am passionate about creating personal and bespoke wedding ceremonies filled with love and laughter. Whether you are looking for a ceremony which is traditional or relaxed and informal, you can have the vibe which reflects your personalities and shares your love story with your family and friends. Get in touch for a no obligation chat about how I can help achieve your perfect day.