Your Yorkshire Wedding - January/February 2021 (Issue 46)

ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD Stef and Arron’s subtle travel theme and dusky pink palette looked incredible at Dunedin Country House Images courtesy of Kirsty Mattsson Photography S tef and Arron went to the same secondary school, but it wasn’t until a few years later when they were both working at their local cinema that they were introduced. “We met in 2010, but as I only worked there when I was back from uni, we didn’t get to know each other properly until the summer of 2011,” Stef explains. “We just clicked and enjoyed the same things.” By 2018, Arron was dreaming up the perfect proposal. “He booked a surprise trip to Venice,” Stef remembers. “One evening, we took a boat to San Giorgio Maggiore, one of the islands that you can see St. Mark’s Square from, there was no one else around when Arron got down on one knee!” The pair soon set the date for 10 th August, 2019, and chose Dunedin Country House as the setting. Stef continues the story… 32