Your West Midlands Wedding- February / March 2021 (Issue 72)

VENUE DRE S S I NG ∙ BAL LOONS ∙ STAT IONERY ∙ PER SONAL I SED G I FT S ∙ SOCKS ∙ GLAS SE S ∙ G I FT BOXE S ∙ G I FT BAGS ∙ AND MORE . . . T: 07932 875664 E: Experienced floral designers and event decorators C R E AT E T H E WOW F A C TO R ! Whether this is our client’s first wedding, a renewal of their vows or an anniversary celebration, we want their event to be both a pleasurable and a memorable experience. Therefore, we offer a host of packages and services specifically tailored to the needs of each event. We are confident that we can make yor event special. E X QU I S I T E E V E N T D E S I GN E R S Facebook: @ExquisiteEventDesigners | Tel: 07961499552