Your Surrey Wedding- October/November 2021 (Issue 91)

Exceptional, multi-award winning wedding ÀRZHUV VSHFLDOLVW LQ 6XUUH\ DQG +DPSVKLUH ZZZ ÀRUHVFHQFH RUJ _ _ LQIR#ÀRUHVFHQFH RUJ Emily Joanna is an experienced and professionally trained hair and makeup artist available for weddings all over the UK and abroad. Emily understands the need to feel the best version of yourself on your special day and so a great emphasis is placed upon your design appointment where we discover your perfect look. Emily organises the day with a detailed schedule, and all the relative assistants required for your entire bridal party’s hair and makeup to make sure the day runs smoothly and completely sress free, so you are able to relax and enjoy the wonderful build up to your wedding day. emilyjevents hairandmakeup .com 07780 332 540 @ejeventshairandmakeup