Your Surrey Wedding- October/November 2021 (Issue 91)

57 PHOTOGRAPHY Local photographers showcase their work MOMENT CAPTURE THE Love is a powerful emotion that’s almost impossible to describe but is something we can all relate to. Photographs are a great way of capturing it in all its natural glory. To help give you some inspiration, we’ve asked some of the region’s finest photographers to showcase their favourite images. “This photo means a lot to me as this couple wanted us to have free reign and had no expectations of the photos they wanted. This meant we found ourselves in all sorts of weird and wonderful positions! This image was taken from inside a large bush and ended up being used for a lot of promotional material and by the venue.” – Mo Elsopki from MoCo Photography. “Despite the heat, the bride and groom enjoyed a game amongst the vines.” – Sheila Constable from Sheila Constable Photography. “Not a cloud in the sky is every bride and groom’s dream, not so much for photographers though, as the harsh light from the sun is incredibly challenging to work with. I decided to use the sun to our advantage and shot straight into it, technically breaking the rules, but they’re made to be broken right?” – Adrian Downing from iLoX Photography. How gorgeous are these flowers captured by Denise Winter Photography? “Chris and Sophie had on-off torrential rain at their wedding, however, it never stopped them, and we used it to our advantage to create some beautiful indoor and outdoor images.” – Eray Kaya from irockvisuals.