Your Surrey Wedding- October/November 2020 (Issue 85)

W E D D I N G S . E V E N T S . G I F T S . P L A N T S S YM PAT H Y . S U B S C R I P T I ON S . WOR K S HO P S Your ideas and style inspire us to make something beautiful 01276 855164 @chobhamflowers 6 9 H I G H S T R E E T, C H O B H A M , S U R R E Y G U 2 4 8 A F Get in touch today to book your free consultation and start your wedding stationery journey @flamboyantinvites @flamboyantinvitations wedding stationery tailored to suit your style by flamboyant invites F L A M B O Y A N T I N V I T E S O C C A S I O N P A P E R I E F Beaut ful 20% OFF TOTAL BOOKING when quoting ‘YourSurreyWedding20’ Terms and Conditions apply. Working with you to set the scene for the Wedding of your dreams! PACKAGE DEALS AVAILABLE INCLUDING SPECIAL OFFERS.