Your Surrey Wedding- June/July 2020 (Issue 83)
If you think balloons are just for children... then think again! It’s the biggest day of your life... so make a statement! Weddings - Corporate Events Birthdays - Special Occasions - Engagements @airmaginationballoons 07903 217622 07802 303463 fol low me on ins tagram @ kater idyardca l l igraphy K a t e R i d y a r d W E D D I N G C A L L I G R A P H E R & I L L U S T R AT O R B E S P OK E & HA NDC R A F T E D COMMI SS IONS TO ORDER , bringing a highly personal touch to your special occasion. To receive on online portfolio and price guide, please get in touch K AT E @ K AT E R I D YA R D C A L L I G R A P H Y. C O . U K It’s not just a name! Creating memorable wedding ceremonies for the modern thinking couple is my specialty. A celebrant led wedding allows you to choose the location of your dreams be it a country house, a beach or even a tent in a field! CONTACT BARNY ON 07775 971772 Barny put so much care and attention into our perfect day. The wedding went like a dream and was exactly what I wanted. We wanted a celebrant to conduct a service that was personal to us.
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