Your Bristol & Somerset Wedding - December 2020/Janaury 2021 (Issue 80)
Photographer Hana Dallimore Tel. No: 07842 573537 Email: W ebsite: Instagram: @hanadallimorephotography Location: Bristol Make-up Artist Sophie Wylie Tel. No: 07515 690828 Email: In stagram: @me_swmakeupartist Location: Bristol Hair Stylist Katie Winter Tel. No: 07983 501083 Website: In stagram: @bristolbridalhair Location: Bristol THEK I NDL I V I NG THEK I NDL I V I NGSALON AN E TH I CA L LY LUXUR I OU S AND K I ND S PAC E OF F E R I NG 100% vegan, organic and eco conscious treatments and products to all. Using Zao, the amazing 100% natural and organic make up range. Bamboo infused ingredients bring to life a beautiful system that enhances your natural look. Check out more information on workshops, education and services here WWW. T H E K I N D L I V I N G . C O . U K 07783 514665 MAGDA.DENENFELD@GMAIL.COM @MAGDADENENFELDMAKEUP W W W . M A G D A D E N E N F E L D . C O M eye do! by Jane Dare Wedding Makeup Artist Mobile service in the south west Call Jane 07971 298490 @eyedomakeup_janedare68
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