Your North East Wedding - November/December 2023 (Issue 59)

REGULARS 6 EDITOR’S LETTER What to look out for in this issue 9 NEARLYWED NEWS Catch up on the latest from around the North East 13 FREEBIES & OFFERS Great giveaways and discounts up for grabs 44 HOT TOPIC Our experts answer your questions 81 COMPETITION Win a mini-moon in Rhodes worth £1,300 CONTENTS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2023 VENUES 15 SPOTLIGHT ON DURHAM & THE SURROUNDING AREA Discover some of the best local venues 19 WED & BREAKFAST Check in at a local hotel for your big day On the cover... This issue’s beautiful cover was organised by Amelia Ray Events ( It was captured by the talented Holly W Photography ( at Lumley Castle ( To see the full set of images and list of suppliers, turn to page 47. 51 15 FEATURES 41 YOUR CARRIAGE AWAITS Meet local transport companies 47 MAGIC MOMENTS These images organised by wedding planning company Amelia Ray Events show how incredible a castle wedding can be 51 DRESSED TO IMPRESS The latest trends for the wedding party 3