Your London Wedding - July/August 2024 (Issue 96)

HOT TOPIC Local experts offer stellar advice on wedding dilemmas RING-A-DING-DING We’re searching for the perfect wedding rings; what advice can you share with us? I would always advise shopping at an independent jeweller. Nowadays, being more sustainably conscious, customers care about where their jewellery is made and where it comes from. Finding pieces that are made well and last a lifetime is important, so finding a brand that works directly with the design and manufacturing side of things is crucial. Couples I meet are looking for that personal touch. They love the oneon-one studio consultations where they can visit my workshop first-hand and experience a personal bespoke experience. Whether that’s melting down and repurposing heirloom stones or gold to an engraving that’s meaningful to the couple, the wedding bands will be handmade and tailored to each individual. Belle Smith | Belle Smith Jewellery | BOTTOMS UP How can we enjoy alcohol responsibly on our wedding day? Your wedding day is a once-ina-lifetime celebration, and as an experienced bartender, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to drink responsibly on such a memorable occasion. Remember, you want to cherish every moment for all the right reasons. Pacing yourself and staying mindful, you can enjoy the festivities without the negative consequences of excessive drinking. On your wedding day, it’s a good idea to alternate between alcoholic drinks and water. Drinking water in between can help pace yourself and stay hydrated, which can reduce the effects of alcohol. We also recommend choosing drinks with lower alcohol content, such as beer or wine, instead of highproof spirits. Lighter drinks can help you maintain control and avoid getting too drunk too quickly. Make sure to have a hearty meal before the festivities begin. Food helps slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, reducing the likelihood of getting intoxicated quickly. Decide how many drinks you’ll have throughout the day and stick to it. Setting a limit can help you stay in control and avoid overindulging. Furthermore, consider designating specific times during the wedding day for toasting and celebration drinks rather than continuously drinking throughout the event. Take your time to enjoy your drinks rather than gulping them down quickly. Sipping allows you to savour the flavours and gives your body more time to metabolise the alcohol. We know it’s your wedding day, and it can be tempting to want to party hard. However, shots can pack a punch and lead to rapid intoxication, so it’s best to limit or avoid them altogether to prevent getting too drunk too quickly. Keep moving and dancing throughout the celebration. Physical activity can help burn off some of the alcohol and keep you more alert. Another great tip to help you stay relatively sober throughout your big day is to enlist the help of friends or family members to keep an eye on you and intervene if they notice you’ve had too much to drink. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and know when it’s time to stop drinking. If you start feeling intoxicated, switch to non-alcoholic beverages for the rest of the event. Bryan Levato | Spin & Shake | 66