Your London Wedding - January/February 2024 (Issue 93)

A talented team of suppliers took the colours and styles from Piazza Italiana and created a modern Italian-styled shoot. Hello lovely readers and welcome to another issue of Your London Wedding! I hope you’ve all started 2024 with a bang, just like the fabulous fireworks displays that lit the sky when Big Ben struck midnight. I think January is a wonderful time of year. Some may disagree with me, but the first month of the year signifies new beginnings, which I find rather quite exciting. It’s so freeing to set new goals and ambitions. Remember to be kind to yourself; don’t add too much pressure this time of year, and conquer your goals one step at a time. Focus one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get closer to your destination before you know it – we’ve got this! For many, January will be full of celebrations after many pop the question over the Christmas and New Year period – congratulations if that’s you! Welcome to the world of weddings; we’re so happy you’re here and can’t wait to help you plan the big day with showstopping venues, expert suppliers and plenty of advice. We aim to support you from receiving your fabulous engagement ring until you walk down the aisle and dance the night away while keeping it local. It doesn’t stop there, as we share popular honeymoon destinations for unforgettable trips worldwide. For those creeping closer to your special day, we have plenty of last-minute tips and tricks to ensure a stress-free wedding, as well as the perfect finishing touches for that extra wow factor. No matter where you’re at with planning, there’s something for everyone. That’s all from me; happy planning! Olivia Olivia Gibson, Editor Happy New Year! Discover the latest best buys and product launches for the grooms-to-be like this dazzling suit. 77 45 13 Psst, Emma Forlettas Wedding & Events Hair is offering an exclusive offer for our readers! ISSN 1757-7810 Your London Wedding is solely owned, published and designed by KD Events & Publishing Ltd. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for advert content, or of the standing of advertisers or by the editorial contributions. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Your London Wedding is published six times a year. cwe COUNTY WEDDING EVENTS EDITORIAL Editor Olivia Gibson | 01376 535 611 @CountyWeddingMagazines @CountyWeddings @countyweddingmagazines Visit us online at and DESIGN 01376 535 616 ACCOUNTS 01376 535 616 MANAGING DIRECTOR Sarah Ellis | 01376 535 602 ADVERTISING Account Manager Julia Owen | 01376 538 495