Your London Wedding - January/February 2022 (Issue 81)

L E T ’ S S TA RT A P I C T U R E S Q U E 2 0 2 2 A N D MA K E A S TAT EME N T WWW.ACECELEBRATIONS.COM Follow us on: Facebook / Instagram / TikTok @Ace_Celebrations_ Email: / Phone: 07402222514 Ace Celebrations is here to make this year one to remember by bringing the WOW factor to your celebrations. A Touch of Nevaeh is a certified Luxury Wedding and Event Planning company founded by Tessa Williams. Based in London also available to travel. They provide a first class experience for all their clients. With their outstanding experience and great attention to detail they create astounding experiences to leave guests talking about for years to come. V I S I T WWW. AT O U C H O F N E VA E H . C OM @atouchofnevaeh on all socials