Your London Wedding - Mar/Apr 2020 (Issue 70)

65 PHOTOGRAPHY  Finding a photographer can be daunting – that’s why we’ve set up six speed dates with London’s top ‘togs – read on to find the one Love at first sight Fiona Kelly, Fiona Kelly Photography | 07879 455 932 Tell us about your background – how did you become a wedding photographer? I started my career as a graphic designer and photographic art director working for fashion and lifestyle brands. My photography business began 10 years ago and from the start, my style has been influenced by my background in design. I find inspiration in the small things; light, nature, design and people. I love beautiful paper and gorgeous packaging. What’s your favourite London venue and why? This is one of the hardest questions to answer! London is filled with amazing venues that offer everything from quirky and creative to uber elegant. The one venue I always love going back to is Queen’s House in Greenwich. It’s the most amazing building with really interesting nooks for photos. It’s right next to Greenwich Park and the River Thames. Queen’s House is one of those places that, regardless of the weather, is always photogenic. And your favourite area of the city to shoot in? I’m torn between choosing the wonderful green areas of London, such as Regent’s Park, and its iconic architecture and landmarks. I’ve been lucky to work in many amazing venues and locations across London. What’s your favourite part of the job? Without a doubt, it’s working with the couples who choose me to photograph their day. I love to find out how they met and what’s important to them. Siobhan Hennessy, Siobhan H Photography | 07809 575 460 Tell us about your background – how did you become a wedding photographer? I was a picture editor for a top photo agency for almost a decade, art directing editorial shoots for UK and international magazines, and shooting events around London. During this time, I developed a strong eye for composition, honed my technical skills and learned to work at a fast pace, which has translated really well to my wedding photography. How would you describe your photography style? My style is modern and fresh with an editorial edge. Wedding photographs become more precious as time goes on, which is why it’s important for me to create meaningful images capturing the story of the day, the emotional moments and the feelings that can instantly transport you back to it. What’s your favourite London venue and why? I love stylish, minimal venues with lots of natural light and The West Reservoir Centre in Hackney ticks all of those boxes. It’s a very modern, industrial venue with a real sense of space – plus, the views across the water are fabulous. And your favourite area of the city to shoot in? The great thing about London is that you’re never far away from a perfect backdrop. You can find the coolest urban settings or a beautiful natural spot within minutes. One of my favourite places to shoot is around Notting Hill; I love the pastel colours and elegant houses.