Your London Wedding - Jul/Aug 2019 (Issue 66)

LET’S DANCE Nadine and Greg planned an Art Deco-themed day choc full of entertainment Images courtesy of Jeff Oliver Photography I t’s fair to say that when Nadine walked into LA Fitness some 10 years ago, she was not expecting to meet her future husband – in fact, she was attempting to wangle a free gym session. “I did the tour, got the sales spiel from Greg and ‘trialled’ the gym, knowing full well I wasn’t going to join,” she laughs. “Then Greg phoned me the week after to follow up on the gym membership – we ended up talking for over an hour and met up for a date in Piccadilly the following week.” And although Greg had plans to move to Dubai, they were quickly abandoned when the pair discovered how much they had in common. “He thought I was Greek and I thought he was Italian,” explains Nadine. “As soon as we discovered we were both Anglo Indian, things got really interesting.” The couple quickly settled down together in London with their two dogs but it would be a decade before they set a wedding date and even then, they were prompted to do so by a relative. “We were travelling back from my cousin’s wedding when my auntie asked us when we were getting married and suggested next summer. The number eight is lucky for the family so they chose the 18 th August, 2018 and it was done,” Nadine remembers. Greg, however, was determined to inject a little romance into the proceedings – dropping to one knee and presenting his bride-to-be with a ring mid engagement shoot in Greenwich Park. Luckily, given they were already in the midst of wedding planning, Nadine said ‘yes’! The pair had long envisioned tying the knot at Kenwood House, Hampstead as they have walked their dogs on the heath for years but, with a large Indian family to accommodate, the space couldn’t work for them. However, Kenwood’s event coordinator suggested fellow English Heritage venue, Eltham Palace and the couple were sold. “We love The Great Gatsby film, jazz and Art Deco so we knew this was the perfect place for us,” says Nadine. Running with this decadent era as their overarching theme, the couple went all-out on the entertainment. Here, Nadine tells us more about the big day… Nadine Erika Gill, 31, married Greg Alan Taylor, 31, at Eltham Palace on 18 th August, 2018. REAL WEDDINGS 51 