Your Herts and Beds Wedding - October/November 2023 (Issue 100)

Pstt, Jennie’s Cakes & Catering is offer 10 per cent off wedding services! ISSN 1753-0911 Your Herts & Beds Wedding is solely owned, published and designed by KD Events & Publishing Ltd. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for advert content, or of the standing of advertisers or by the editorial contributions. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Your Herts & Beds Wedding is published six times a year. DIA SHING NTS SHING EVENTS & PUBLISHING cwe COUNTY WEDDING EVENTS Your Herts and Beds Wedding is 100 and doesn’t it look great for its age? That’s right, well into our 16th year of publishing, we’re celebrating our 100th issue! I’ve been the editor of this title since issue 78 and feel incredibly proud to have been part of its history. The first issue hit the shelves in the 2007 and boy have things changed since then! I managed to find a copy of issue one in the archives and dusted it off to find that fashion had more in common with the 1990s than they do the 2020s. Designs were all about taffeta, boned bodies and bags of embellishment – words I hardly hear these days in relation to wedding dresses. What’s more, it was rare indeed to see a groom not sporting a cravat. However, some things don’t change. Looking into the world of wedding entertainment, the editor Demelza at the time told readers, “Your wedding music will have a lasting impression on your guests. It forms an integral part of the day and can create just the right atmosphere, meaning that you have to choose carefully and consider what is suitable along with what best reflects your personal taste.” It’s as true now as it ever was! Your Herts & Beds Wedding has been bringing local wedding content to lovely nearlyweds for the best part of two decades, becoming a much-valued go-to source of inspiration and advice for many tying the knot in these gorgeous counties. We exist to champion the local and very much hope that we can continue to do so for many moons to come. We’d never have reached this ripe old age (still looking good) without our lovely readers and the region’s amazing suppliers who’ve supported us all these years. A huge thank you to you everyone included. Here’s to the next 100 issues! Olivia x Olivia Gibson, Editor Happy birthday to us! 12 91 WIN! A romantic break in Yorkshire worth £1,000 As we pass through the seasons of 2023 and 2024, colour schemes can vary and adapt with trends. Here’s a guide to inspire you for your own big day! @CountyWeddingMagazines @CountyWeddings @countyweddingmagazines Visit us online at www. and DESIGN 01376 535 616 ACCOUNTS 01376 535 616 MANAGING DIRECTOR Sarah Ellis | 01376 535 602 EDITORIAL Editor Olivia Gibson | 01376 535 611 Holly and Lewis had a Glastonbury-style wedding with lots of colour. The couple aimed to create the best day for themselves and bring loved ones together for a big celebration. 26 80 ADVERTISING Account Manager Anita Bridge | 01376 538 565 6