Your Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Wedding- April/May 2020 (Issue 20)
F R A N K LY Beautiful WWW . F R A N K LY- B E A U T I F U L . C O M F R A N C E S C A@ F R A N K LY- B E A U T I F U L . C O M This exclusive, fabulous venue, is nestled in a valley, in an area of outstanding natural beauty and offers an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. Wellington Barn is an award winning venue with an award-winning team of event managers to ensure that your special day is perfect in every way. Book your private viewing now and see for yourself just how magical Wellington Barn is. WE L L I NGT ON B A RN | MANOR FA RM | CA L S TON E | CA L N E | W I LT S H I R E | S N1 1 8 P Y 01249 400014 AN AWARD WI NN I NG VENUE WI TH AN AWARD WI NN I NG EVENT T EAM Exclusively Yours, Luxury wedding venue in the heart of Wiltshire WEDD I NGS , PR I VATE PART I ES & CORPORATE EVENT CATER I NG Call: 07979 502655 Em ail: thesausageandmashcompany@
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