Your East Anglian Wedding - Aug/Sep 2019 (Issue 38)

GREEN DAYS We want our wedding to be as green as possible, where do we start? Evangeline says : Here are a few of my top tips to help make your big day as eco-friendly as possible: ❤ When looking for your dream venue, it’s important to ask plenty of questions about their environmental policies to ensure they have the same values as you. You can cut down on mileage by hosting your ceremony and reception under one roof and by having it at a hotel, you and your guests can stay overnight, avoiding extra travel. ❤ If you’re marrying locally, arranging a bus or coach to transport family and friends to the wedding will reduce the carbon footprint of your day as well. ❤ Think carefully about which suppliers you choose. Picking locally-based ones minimises the distance they have to travel. It’s also important to be aware of where things are coming from. For example, if you order something online, make sure it is not being shipped from the other side of the world. ❤ Having invitations made from recycled card is another great tip. Evangeline Wells | Conference and events manager | Psst... Ufford Park Woodbridge was recently named the greenest business in Suffolk at the 2019 Greenest County Awards! Local experts on greener weddings HOT TOPIC WITH THIS RING We’re trying to make ethical, sustainable and greener choices for our big day and want to reflect this in our choice of rings too. What would you suggest that’s meaningful and fitting for our wedding? Sara says: We only use fairtrade, fairmined or recycled gold. For a truly personal touch, remodeling old family or sentimental jewellery is a great way of breathing new life into broken or out-dated pieces that would otherwise be unworn and unloved. Not only eco-friendly, you end up with a new and bespoke creation full of meaning that can be handed down for future generations to treasure. You can mix gold of different carats, but not colours. It all gets melted down and sent for hallmarking as usual. The assay office check the final content and stamp the item accordingly. We can also melt and reuse platinum and stones can be reset too. We specialise in this type of work and having the designers and goldsmiths on site, means you can watch part of the process as it unfurls in store, creating memories to last a lifetime. Sara Sweet | Bespoke jewellery designer | EXPERT ADVICE 101