Nestled in the heart of Dartmoor’s stunning National Park, surrounded by wi ld and rugged moorland, ancient granite tors and set in a secluded and sheltered position on the banks of the River Dart, Badgers Holt provides a tranqui l and natural setting, an ideal backdrop for those seeking a more rustic wedding. Licensed for both indoor and outdoor ceremonies Badgers Holt is an intimate Wedding Venue perfect for both elopements and larger Weddings with capacity for upto 120 guests. We currently have some avai labi l ity for 2021 and 2022. w w w. b a d g e r s h o l t w e d d i n g s . c o . u k w e d d i n g s - e v e n t s @b a d g e r s h o l t d a r t m o o r . c o . u k Tel : 01769 560473 Mob: 0766 252417 Emai l : info@west -count r y West Country Caterers are a well established Devon business specialising in a personal service. We pride ourselves on catering for all occasions. Home cooked cuisine for all occasions E L L I S R O S E F L O R A L D E S I G N e l l isrosef loraldesign . co . uk 07791946767 | e l l isrosef loraldesign@gmai l . com