Your Devon and Cornwall Wedding - Page number 57 - July/August 2021 (Issue 32)

Claire J. Wallace - The Cordon Bleu Diploma T: (01548) 560191 M: 07811 422612 E: @ClairesKit salcombe_claire Authentic charcoal BBQ and log spit roasts. High standards that will exceed your expectations. Finest food ‘tastefully’ presented. Helpful preparation & Efficient Management. C r e a t i v e E v e n t C a t e r i n g S a l c o m b e E M A I L T E L E P H O N E 07412494947 FAC E B O O K C.A.K.E By Clarke @CAKEbyClarkePLY Tel : 01769 560473 Mob: 0766 252417 Emai l : info@west -count r y West Country Caterers are a well established Devon business specialising in a personal service. We pride ourselves on catering for all occasions. Home cooked cuisine for all occasions