EDITOR’S LETTER 7 86 THE CITY OF LOVE Melissa Cullen reveals why Paris is the perfect honeymoon destination. 39 WE ARE FAMILY Louise’s two boys completed the wedding party. 43 JUST MARRIED The region’s version of the iconic New York skyline: the oh-so cool Liverpool Waterfront. 33 I CAPTURE THE CASTLE Ashley and Craig had the regal vibe sewn up. https://jessicalangphotography.co.uk 8 READ ALL ABOUT IT Check out Say It With Diamonds new wedding jewellery packages. 20 THE GOLDEN HOUR Photographer Jessica Lang captured the sunset over Liverpool to perfection on Abi and Jason’s wedding day. www.laurawadephotography.co.uk https://jessicalangphotography.co.uk https://fitzpatrickphotography.co.uk