Sisters Asher and Ellis got engaged at a similar time, so Asher and fiancé Mike waited for Ellis and John to confirm their date first, allowing them to tie the knot within the following month or two. When away on a weekend away together as a group, the topic of a double wedding came up as a joke. “We were quite a few drinks deep at this point, so we can’t remember who exactly suggested it,” Asher laughs. Fast forward a few months, when all three sisters and their other halves were on another weekend away in Mallorca, and the joke idea of a double wedding came up again. This time they all gave it some serious thought and a plan started to form. “We all agreed we’d like to do it and the planning began,” Asher shares. Asher and Ellis have always been very close and share lots of friends, and of course, family members. Attending both weddings would have been practically identical for the guests! “It just made sense for us to join forces,” Asher explains, “have one big wedding instead of separate celebrations.” The four were excited about the prospect of getting married together and it worked for each for different reasons. “The boys were both keen to share the limelight, and the cost... let’s face it, weddings are expensive!” Asher says. Indeed, both husbands-tobe were involved in conversations about a double wedding from the start and were equally excited we’re told. The idea of less pressure on the day certainly appealed. Not to mention, when taking a pragmatic and logical approach, as the gents did, when they looked at the joint guest list and the amazing wedding they could have by joining forces, it all made sense and fell into place. “The grooms also got off lightly when it came to the planning,” Asher says. “We had it under control and only consulted them once we had researched everything and wanted a final sign off!” Join us here as bride Asher tells us more about the planning process and day itself... STRENGTH IN NUMBERS You might expect a lot of arguments when it comes to the mammoth task of two sisters planning a wedding – all siblings argue right? Not so. Happily, it all went very smoothly. “Having two brides definitely helped us share the workload and stress, although it did mean some decisions took a bit longer to reach, as all four of us were signing off on everything,” Asher tells us. It soon became apparent that each of the team had different strengths and when it came to planning a wedding, Ellis and John had the talent of a strong attention to detail, whereas Asher and Mike were focused on sticking to deadlines and managing budgets and timelines. THE VOWS On the day the order of events flowed seamlessly, by and 34