Your Yorkshire Wedding - May/June 2024 (Issue 66)

I didn’t want anything to hide our dresses, so we chose not to have bouquets. The only flowers we had were the napkin decorations. Holmfirth Vineyard provided a white wedding taxi to transport guests from the accommodation to the venue – it was brilliant! As a true Yorkshire woman, I love pork pie, so that’s what we had for our wedding cake: a three-tier pork pie cake! It was the best I’ve ever eaten and the guests absolutely loved it too. We kept the table plan and place names simple in a script font. The place names included people’s menu choices. Our table numbers were mirrored gold, which matched our wedding invitations. We placed a cream rose at each guests’ place along with vases on the table for them to put their roses in, so they’d be kept fresh before taking them home. Since we were getting married in December I told our venue stylist, Cheryl, that we wanted to bring the light inside using lots of candlelight. The theme was simple, classic and elegant so we had beautiful candelabras adorned with crystals placed on a mirror to reflect the light. We also had vases containing floating candles with LED tea lights scattered on the tables. 41 REAL WEDDINGS