Your Yorkshire Wedding - May/June 2024 (Issue 66)

REGULARS 7 EDITOR’S LETTER A warm welcome from Kelly 9 NEARLYWED NEWS Catch up on news from around the region 13 FREEBIES & OFFERS Great giveaways and discounts up for grabs 55 HOT TOPIC Local experts offer stellar advice on planning an intimate wedding 89 COMPETITION Win £1,000 to spend on your big-day jewellery CONTENTSMAY/JUNE 2024 VENUES 15 SPOTLIGHT ON... York and Harrogate 21 GARDENER’S WORLD We’ve rounded up some of the county’s most verdant venues On the cover This issue’s cover image of beautiful real bride Kelly was captured by Vicky Benge Photography ( Turn to page 33 to find out all about the day Kelly married Mike. 45 15 FEATURES 45 ONCE AND FLORAL Local florists answer your questions 51 LOVE AT FIRST BITE Meet the county’s wedding caterers 76 3