Your Yorkshire Wedding - January/February 2024 (Issue 64)

Local suppliers from various specialisms share words of wisdom to help get your planning off on the right foot PLANNED TOperfection ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND PLANNING LILY JONES, QUIRKY WEDDINGS We’re engaged! Now what? When you’re ready to start planning, sit down together and decide what part of the wedding is most important to both of you. Knowing this will help you to allocate your budget in the right places. Do this just you and your partner at the beginning, no family and no friends until you’ve had your first conversation together. Chat about the vibe of the day and come up with some key words to describe it such as: relaxed, informal, chilled, colourful. This will help you when you start looking for suppliers – if their vibe doesn’t match yours then they’ll struggle to help you create the day you want. The final thing to do before you head out into the big wide wedding world to find your venue and suppliers is to set your budget. Even if you don’t really have one, you need to put a number on it so you know what you have to work with. Don’t spend money you don’t have, no one wants to start married life in debt, and you can create the most magical wedding on a very small budget if you’re savvy about it. Allocate a rough amount to each aspect of the wedding, giving your crucial elements the most money, and then you’re ready to find suppliers to suit and it won’t be as overwhelming. What else do we need to have? You don’t need to have anything! Everyone and their aunt will try to tell you what traditions need to be part of your wedding day, and you’ll feel the pressure to keep everyone happy but those days are long gone. If there's something you don't want on your wedding day then don’t have it! It’s your day, no one else’s. How can we make our big day totally us? Everyone’s love story is unique so have a think about what makes yours. What things did you bond over while dating? What little traditions do you already have between you? What do you both love? Do you have any little in jokes? Then, take all of those things and incorporate them into your wedding day. People worry all the time that something might not fit their theme but the theme is you. Whatever you choose, it will fit because the theme is your love story and all of the things that combine to make it. What’s your top planning tip when it comes to planning an alternative wedding? Find suppliers that understand your vibe and have a similar vibe themselves. There are hundreds of wedding suppliers out there so don’t settle until you find someone who makes you go YES! When you find them, you’ll know. If you’re after a non-traditional wedding day then don’t attend traditional wedding fairs – you won’t find your people there. Go to alternative ones, have fun, and meet the people for whom no idea is too wacky. LOVE AND CARRIAGE ROB SLATER, LADY J WEDDING CAR HIRE Lady J Wedding Car Hire We’re engaged! Now what? Now you’re engaged, it’s natural to start thinking of your big day; the date, venue, theme, flowers, reception, what guests to invite and of course for the bride, the all important question of the dress! The list seems endless and to some daunting, which is why wedding planners are invaluable. One aspect that often gets overlooked, especially at the early stages, is the transport. How will the couple arrive at the wedding ceremony? Usually this is one of the least expensive items on the list but an important one if you want to arrive in style making it a memorable part of the day. So, while thoughts of big-day planning need to include all of the above and more, it’s important to ask yourselves about what transport you want for your big day, and how this will fit in with your plans. How can I best make my mode of transport fit in with the theme for the day? Colour is important. White cars used to be the norm, but when it comes to the photos, it’s the worst colour to use as a backdrop for those dressed in white or ivory. Black is still considered a colour for funerals, so what’s needed is a dark shade to contrast with your dress and make you stand out on this all-important occasion. Lady J comes in a deep metallic blue, with champagne leather seats, both of which contrast beautifully with the traditional hue of a bridal gown. To pick up on your chosen palette, she can also be adorned with ribbons and bows in the colour of your choice with matching flowers on the parcel shelf in the rear. What’s your top planning tip when it comes to wedding-day transport? The simple truth is that if you want to play it safe where the weather is concerned but still wish for style and comfort then you should look for a modern mode of transport. FLOWERS 51 PLANNING SOS