PICTURE PERFECT Bespoke Cheese Celebration Cakes Fresh from our Deli www.tastesofbritain.com 5 Mill Lane, Solihull, B91 3AR 01217093101 Twigg Floral Design Beautiful and natural W E D D I N G F L O W E R S Inspired by the seasons using British-grown, sustainable flowers and foliage. W W W . T W I G G F L O W E R S . C O . U K info@twiggflowers.co.uk 07807366146 Established in 2011, Sorella is a family run business which covers the West Midlands and beyond. Our creative team work tirelessly to produce spectacular venue transformations for all events. We pride ourselves with our unrivalled 5 star service to produce the wedding or event of your dreams. www.sorelladecor.co.uk | 01543 642652 5 7 MA R K E T S T R E E T, HE DN E S F OR D , S TA F F OR D S H I R E WS 1 2 1 A D