Your Surrey Wedding - August/September 2023 (Issue 102)

par-fect date Jade and Dan’s day was full of fun, laughter and confetti galore! Images courtesy of We Are Found Photography TEEING OFF THE Jade and Dan have their friends to thank for their introduction. “We got chatting at a small gathering and contacted each other as soon as we got home,” Jade recalls. “We both instantly knew we liked each other, and it was something we wanted to pursue.” A few days later the duo arranged to have a round of mini golf followed by lunch, which then extended to dinner that night. “We just didn’t want the date to end. We met up almost every day after that. It was instant for us,” she says. “The mini golf was the only time he’s ever let me win. We still have the score card and you can see the total scores are added up wrong at the end by him to give me the win!” As a nod to their first date, Jade played mini golf with her best friends during her hen party. “I did actually win that time,” she says. Dan proposed on Christmas Eve, insisting that Jade opened a couple of presents before family arrived the next day. “I opened a small box; it was a ring – not just any ring, a ring he had given me on our first Christmas together when we first met,” says Jade. “He said this was a perfect placeholder until we could go shopping together and choose a ring we both loved. The next week we went ring shopping and found ‘the one’.” Here Jade tells us more about their day… REAL WEDDINGS 31