Your Sussex Wedding - October/November 2024 (Issue 111)

28 TWO RINGS TO BIND THEM Tegen and Sam are a couple after my own heart – they opted for a Lord Of The Rings inspired wedding. Fellowship of The Ring being my favourite film, how could I not feature? Tegen looked every part the ethereal elven princess. Is anyone else still buzzing from the Olympics and Paralympics? I don’t know about you, but my social life was completely on hold while it was on! I can’t believe we have to wait another four years before it rolls around again. As someone whose idea of exercise is getting off the sofa and grabbing a snack, I always admire everyone who takes part. When the time came to write to you for this issue, the Olympic moto got me thinking: faster, higher, stronger – together. It’s that final word that always causes my heart to soar. It’s that one word that truly speaks to what the Olympics is all about. It’s bringing the world together in friendship and camaraderie, and does the same within the teams of each individual competing country. When planning this issue of Your Sussex Wedding, the notion of togetherness came to me again. It defines a marriage, doesn’t it? You are, after all, in it together and that’s why you say “I do” and make those vows. You form a forever partnership to navigate life together. I believe that’s the way forward for all of us. In the words of the popular wedding bible reading from 1 Corinthians 13:4 – “Love is patient, love is kind.” Kelly x Kelly Andrews, editor We’re all in this together ISSN 1750-3477 Your Sussex Wedding is solely owned, published and designed by Ellis Media and Events Ltd. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for advert content, or of the standing of advertisers or by the editorial contributions. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Your Sussex Wedding is published six times a year. 39 WORDS OF WISDOM Beautiful bride Steph had some great planning tips for us: “I love a spreadsheet!” she says. “Doing your research on the venues before viewing any is a must, as is reading Google reviews of potential suppliers. I found asking questions on Facebook wedding groups most helpful.” 89 WIN! A luxury getaway worth £1,000 ADVERTISING Account Manager Ellie Williams | 01376 535 617 @CountyWeddingMagazines @CountyWeddings @countyweddingmagazines Visit us online at and DESIGN 01376 535 616 ACCOUNTS 01376 535 616 MANAGING DIRECTOR Sarah Ellis | 01376 535 602 EDITORIAL Deputy Managing Editor Kelly Andrews | 01376 535 611 55 SHORT AND CHIC Don’t miss this issue’s styled shoot captured at The Hove Club. With two bridal looks, there’s plenty here to inspire. EDITOR’S LETTER 7