www.andykerrphotography.com 12TH AUGUST MARINA & ALAN “The couple provided their own props for the photo booth, including a huge selection of hats and googles, adding a personal touch to their images. The guests had a ball and so did the bride and groom.” – Laura, Smile Event Photography www.kandidkane.co.uk 20TH AUGUST | SUZANNAH & KYLE “A family-owned barn offering great views of the countryside was a great setting for this wedding. I chose to include some guests in the background of this shot as it really captures what makes wedding so great: the loved ones.” – Kane, Kandid Kane Photography www.steelememories.co.uk 21ST AUGUST | VICKY & STEVE “Every aspect of this wedding was designed and tailored to suit the couple’s likes, interests and personalities. Steve was a huge Star Wars fan, as am I, so the rings were brought down the aisle by young family members dressed as Kylo Ren and a Storm Trooper.” – Dan, Steele Memories Frances Newman at www.smileevent.co.uk 31ST JULY | ROXANNE & DUNCAN “I love the dynamism of this image, which is emphasised by the camera angle. You can tell they’re all having a fantastic time.” – Andy, Andy Kerr Photography www.dbphotographysussex.com 28TH JULY | ALICE & ALEX “The Observatory at Herstmonceux started hosting weddings only recently, in fact this was its second. The venue is wonderfully unique and the couple were up for playing with ideas so we got some incredible shots.” – Darren, DB Photography Sussex