A 17TH CENTURY BARN SET IN 120 ACRES OF FARMLAND SITUATED IN THE HEART OF WEST SUSSEX WWW.SOUTHLANDSBARN.CO.UK info@southlandsbarn.co.uk | 01798 306550 S O U T H L A N D S B A R N S O U T H L A N D S L A N E W E S T C H I L T I N G T O N W E S T S U S S E X R H 2 0 2 J U With its rolling fields, beautiful lake and breath-taking views of the South Downs National Park, it really is the perfect place to celebrate your special day. Fully licensed for ceremonies, we offer exclusive hire for the Weekend from Friday to Sunday or a two-day hire during the week. PRICING STARTS FROM £3,995 Jordan Mansfield Olive Joy Photography Jordan Mansfield Olive Joy Photography Olive Joy Photography