Your South Wales Wedding - November/December 2023 (Issue 94)

HOT TOPIC: Wedding worries Our experts solve your problems JUST ONE SLICE What wedding cake trends will be popular in 2024? Vintage-style cakes were extremely popular in 2023, and we see this trend continuing with pearlescent details and lace decorations. Flavourwise, we will see Victoria sponge, chocolate, salted caramel, chocolate orange, carrot, lemon, and red velvet continue to be on-trend. Here at Cake Me Away, we offer dairy-free and vegan options, with a choice of over-the-phone and face-to-face consultations available. Laura Jones PLAN AND PLAN SOME MORE What are your top planning tips? Allocate start and finish times for each key event of the day and allow time for overruns. The most important thing is to forget about everybody else on the day and enjoy yourselves. Whatever happens, you need to take it in your stride. Don’t dwell on minor mishaps, but laugh at them. Never lose sight of the reason you are here: to become a married couple. There is an order to the wedding ceremony, including how and when the guests should be seated and in what order your guests, bridesmaids, and you should enter the ceremony room. Have music playing on a decent stereo during the 30 minutes or so it takes for all your guests to arrive and be seated in an orderly manner. The procession often starts 10 minutes or so late (as is the fashion) but should still have a set time. Decide who is standing where and draw up the order and location of the bride, groom, and their respective ‘attendants’. Stay organised and understand what happens when and what you need to get done in a timely fashion to ensure you aren’t stressed on the day. The team at Craig Y Nos Castle EXPERT ADVICE 59