Your Kent Wedding - March/April 2024 (Issue 113)

Q&A Fashion &Beauty Our local experts answer your questions WAX ON WAX OFF Q I’ve just had three months of laser hair removal so that I didn’t have to constantly shave on my honeymoon, however, I’ve found the hair is still growing back. Would waxing have better results? Generally, laser hair removal is a pretty successful treatment on the right person, i.e thick, dark hair and fair skin. It should be a long-term fix when it comes to really minimising your hair and its growth, however it doesn’t always seem to work for everyone. Waxing has some great short- and long-term benefits for everyday smooth legs and those special occasions like going on holiday. Waxing can be pre booked as close to 24-hours before you go away, so you can pretty much guarantee you will be hair free for the duration of your holiday! You will also not get that stubbly feeling when the hairs start to re appear. If you become a long-term waxer, visiting a professional beauty therapist every four to six weeks you will see some fantastic results. Your hair will become finer, sparse and sometimes even appear lighter because of the reduction in the coarseness of your hair. So, if you would like silky smooth legs for a holiday or that fun night out, waxing is the way to go. And when it comes to price, waxing is a little more budget-friendly! Waxing also removes a fine layer of dead skin cells, which means you have super fresh skin ready for your sunny beach holiday! Our team here at The Granary Spa would be more than happy to take you on your waxing journey to super smooth and silky legs! Our front of house team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. Laura McCarthy, spa owner, WITH THIS RING Q We’d love to make our own wedding rings but are unsure of the process. What’s involved? Most couples who come to make their wedding rings have no prior experience. After a 30-minute consultation about your rings, there’s a four-hour workshop with step-by-step tuition showing you how to create your wedding rings to your design. I break the process down into easy to follow steps, demonstrating each step before you go and carry out the step yourself. You’ll have expert support, where I check your progress at every stage and, rest assured, I can fix any mistakes − doubtful that’ll happen though! Provided you don’t want them hallmarked, laser-engraved or stones added you can take your rings with you on the day. If you do want any of the additional services, I can arrange all of that for you and let you know how long they will take. Elizabeth Anne Norris, jewellery designer and maker, 74