Your Herts and Beds Wedding - December 2022/January 2023 (Issue 95)

My name is Carolyn and I am based in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, UK. I design and make Wedding stationery and gifts. I create my own collections or I can design bespoke to you. My design skiIls are broad including floral, graphic, sparkle, vintage, trends and contemporary styles that can be incorporated into numerous types of materials. WWW . W E D D I N G B E A U T I F U L S . C O . U K 07910031628 | 111-113 High Street, Old Town Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 3HS 01438 318216 | 01707 322492 | @godshaws 4 2 W I G M O R E S N O R T H W E L W Y N G A R D E N C I T Y A L 8 6 B L Find your forever ring with Godshaw Jewellers. B E S POKE | MADE TO F I T | T RAD I T IONAL | CONT EMPORARY P L AT I NUM | PAL L AD I UM | GOLD | T I TAN I UM EXCLUSIVE YOUR HERTS AND BEDS OFFER 20% off your wedding rings and bridal jewellery with this ad in store