HONEYMOONS 67 MUCH ADO ABOUT SOMETHING If it’s good enough for Shakespeare... we travel to Stratford-Upon-Avon to stay at the delightful Billesley Manor 68 HONEYMOON NEWS Our travel editor reveals the newest openings and honeymoon essentials 70 HAMPSHIRE HAVEN Discover what makes Tylney Hall the perfect setting for memorable mini-moons 71 CITY LOVING Enjoy a lavish experience at The Kensington in London 72 A PAWFECT STAY The lion lodge at West Midlands Safari Park is a location not to be missed 73 WHERE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME We head to North Wales to experience stunning venue Palé Hall 50 31 REAL WEDDINGS 24 A SPRING AFFAIR Charlie and Luke’s wedding at Devon’s Upton Barn & Walled Garden was decorated with a monochrome colour theme 31 WINTER WONDERLAND Qusai and Robyn’s woodland wedding enjoyed a rustic-inspired theme 36 LOCAL LOVE Emily and James hosted an elegant marquee wedding styled with a powder blue theme GROOMS 30 SIMPLY THE BEST Wedding expert Chris Badja from GroomsDay shares his top tips 64 TRENDSETTER Discover how Pantone’s colour of the year, Mocha Mousse, can be incorporated into your wedding look 66 GROOMS’ NEWS The latest best buys and product launches 24 68 FASHION & BEAUTY 50 FASHION FOCUS The latest bridal news, buys and launches 51 RUFFLED UP Tiered layers and cascading ruffles are creating a sensation this season 56 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Take your pick from the new-season bridal bags and shoes 57 A VISION IN LACE This delicate, fashionable fabric never goes out of fashion 60 BEAUTY BUZZ Get the look with the latest must-haves 62 THE WELLNESS ROUNDUP The latest launches to see you fighting fit in time for W-day 63 BEAUTY Q&A Our local professionals solve your problems 4