LOOKING THE PART For the Hindu ceremony, Richard wore a red and gold kurta teamed with white and gold Indian wedding shoes and a handmade traditional Bengali wedding hat. “For the civil ceremony, he chose a two-piece linen suit in a biscuit colour with a pair of stylish brown loafers and a sage green tie and pocket square to complement my outfit and stand out from the groomsmen,” Tripti explains. “For our Hindu ceremony, the groomsmen wore golden kurtas and for the civil ceremony, they wore two-piece, tailored navy check suits with green woven ties and pocket squares.” The couple’s bridesmaids wore baby pink and gold silk sarees from India for the Hindu ceremony while on the day of the civil ceremony, they wore dresses purchased from Vinted. “We wanted to keep waste to a minimum so we ordered the Maya deluxe sage green and sequinned dresses in different styles,” Tripti tells us. TIME TO CELEBRATE Tripti and Richard had a live band play after dinner in the undercroft within the main house at the venue. “Our guests weren’t aware of this space so the reveal was a big part of the evening,” Tripti tells us. “As if perfectly orchestrated, the only time it rained was when everybody was heading to the dancefloor. Our photographer provided a photo booth that was a huge hit with our guests and provided us with some great memories.” “We had a great relationship with our photographers and videographer throughout our wedding. We believe this ultimately led to a great atmosphere, with maximum engagement from our guests resulting in some unique memories.” - Tripti and Richard 32