Every woman had a bumble bee pin attached to their menu in support of Macmillan. These were a thank you to the nurses my grandad had during his final days. He always wanted to see me get married, but sadly I lost him. I made all our stationery including table names, table plan, wedding newspaper, invitations, welcome sign, menus, and table decor. I was in heaven crafting everything and it helped with our budget. We both wanted our cake to be simple. Dan is a climber, and our first home was called The Mountains, so we had a mountain design around its base. We knew we wanted our flowers to be earthy and full of foliage to suit the theme, but I love bright pink, it makes me smile. Dan had the idea of using orange, which would fit the autumnal vibe, but also complement the pink nicely. The night before we had a gathering for those who’d stayed over to get to know each other. We had pizzas from Big Dog Pizza Van, which were delicious, I highly recommend. Dan’s a huge fan of Battenburg, so Julie, our amazing cake maker, made us some small ones – honestly the best thing ever! Dan also made his famous tiffin as favours. 28