Your Bristol & Somerset Wedding - February/March 2022 (Issue 87)

REGULARS 7 EDITOR’S LETTER A very warm welcome from Kelly 8 NEARLYWED NEWS Catch up on the latest from around the region 13 FREEBIES & OFFERS Great giveaways and discounts up for grabs 63 HOT TOPIC Stellar wedmin advice from those in the know 97 COMPETITION Win £1,500 worth of diamonds CONTENTS FEBRUARY/MARCH 2022 VENUES 15 SPOTLIGHT ON… Taunton Deane & West Somerset 21 ROMANTIC REFLECTIONS Our roundup of the region’s loveliest waterside venues On the cover This issue’s cover shot of gorgeous real bride Jade was captured at Coombe Lodge by Turn to page 26 to find out all about the day she married Harry. 57 21 FEATURES 51 TA-DA! Finishing touches with flair 57 COME DINE WITH US Get a direct line to your guests’ hearts with our A to Z of wedding catering ideas 89 LET ME EAT CAKE! County Wedding Magazines editor Melissa Barker shares her wedding planning journey 3