Your Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wedding - October/November 2023 (Issue 103)

“We kept the centrepieces low in a relaxed style to encourage our guests to talk. My mum came up with the idea of placing origami butterflies on the tables because of where we became engaged, and because we were planning our honeymoon to Japan.” - Lauren “Flowers provided the main decoration and our florist did a wonderful job of making our displays usable for both the ceremony and the reception.” - Lauren “I didn’t want a noticeable theme so we started with the flowers and looked at bouquets that we thought were pretty, and decided that we liked white, green and blue varieties. After that, we wanted to keep things simple because the venue was already so beautiful.” - Lauren “Before our ceremony, I was shaking! Once I took my dad’s arm and then saw Jono though, everything was fine and I just relaxed. I didn’t have time to worry about anything because even with a small wedding, there are so many guests to talk to, and you just have to trust that all your planning works out – it did!” - Lauren “I painted our table plan, Jono decorated our cake with butterflies on the morning of our wedding and my now sister-in-law wrote the name cards.” - Lauren “Having a few moments together after our ceremony to be alone together and take it all in was needed.” - Lauren and Jono Top tip: “Remind your guests not to lose their drinks tickets if that’s how the venue operates the complimentary bar - we found loads left on the tables after dinner!” - Lauren and Jono REAL WEDDINGS 39