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Horsham, West Sussex RH12 United Kingdom

Telephone: 0800 970 5577

Email: hello@thedj.co.uk

Web: Click here to visit website

Contact: Mark Parker

See theDJ Limited on Facebook  See theDJ Limited on Instagram  See theDJ Limited on Google App Store 

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Mark Parker and the team at theDJ.co.uk are talented professional DJs with expert knowledge over a wide range of musical genres.

We use your requests and our DJ skills & experience to help you create an amazing party!

And we don't spoil the music with idle chatter...

You can expect a high quality sound system and elegant lighting to suit your venue.

We can look after the music during your ceremony and wedding breakfast too.

With over fifteen years experience we have plenty of testimonials to let you know what our previous clients have to say about us.


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