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American Museum

All suppliers, Bath, Somerset

Visit the American Museum website Visit the Facebook page for American Museum Visit the Instagram page for American Museum

With spectacular sweeping views over the Limpley Stoke Valley, stunning gardens and a beautiful Georgian Manor House, this unique Grade I listed heritage venue is the perfect setting for an extraordinary celebration. (All suppliers in Bath)

Bailbrook House

All suppliers, Bath, Somerset

Visit the Bailbrook House website

Blending classic and contemporary furnishings, Bailbrook House Hotel is a unique and romantic wedding venue. Simply put, the historic architecture is stunning and its features enhance the feeling of grandeur inside every room. (All suppliers in Bath)

Wylde Jewellers
All suppliers, Bath, Somerset
Wylde Jewellers was established by Nicholas Wylde in 1987 when he opened his first store in Bath. The second store in Clifton followed in 2010. Nicholas has earned a reputatio... (All suppliers in Bath)
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